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Plaza Suite


Plaza Suite

Plaza Suite

Step into the lives of Karen and Sam, a long-married couple trying to save their relationship-on-the-rocks from an early checkout. Reunite with Muriel and Jesse, former high school sweethearts, destined for an extended, amorous stay. Empathise with long-suffering Norma and Roy, parents of the bride, as they attempt to coax their to-be-wed daughter out of the bathroom.

How long does Plaza Suite Last for?

Does Plaza Suite have any age restrictions? +

Does Plaza Suite have an interval? No

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Where is Plaza Suite playing?

Plaza Suite currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Have seen Matthew Broderick before but it was a bit of a novelty seeing him with Sarah Jessica Parker whom I don’t think has done a UK show before. She was funny and charismatic which was very nice to see.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • The play was a little bit old fashioned and the inflated ticket price for seeing the “star” names wasn’t especially worth it.

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