Playboy of the West Indies (Musical)
The classic play has been transformed into a glorious new musical with a toe-tapping, finger-snapping score firmly rooted in the Caribbean. In Peggy’s rum bar in sleepy Mayaro village, a mysterious stranger stumbles in out of the darkness. With a voice like honey he tantalises the women and unnerves the men with a terrible story. As he weaves his magic spell on Peggy, her forthcoming nuptials to Stanley are thrown into doubt, and the village is plunged into uproar. While the women vie for this stranger’s attention, the men plot his downfall. Will events conspire to unmask his wild tales of derring-do?
How long does Playboy of the West Indies (Musical) Last for? 165 Minutes
Does Playboy of the West Indies (Musical) have any age restrictions? 10+
Does Playboy of the West Indies (Musical) have an interval? Yes
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