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Phoney Fools and Horses


Phoney Fools and Horses

Phoney Fools and Horses

Based on the TV show everybody loves-ly jubbly!!! This Tribute Show, performed in the style and variety of Only Fools and Horses, has been launched across Theatres nationwide. A brilliant homage, full of renditions of your favourite episodes. Phoney Fools and Horses has all your favourite characters in new adventures and mishaps. A specially scripted, hilarious storyline, is delivered by the show’s cast of three, who superbly embody favourite characters DEL BOY, UNCLE ALBERT, RODNEY, BOYCIE and TRIGGER. Plus stirring renditions of favourite cockney songs.

How long does Phoney Fools and Horses Last for? 110 Minutes

Does Phoney Fools and Horses have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Phoney Fools and Horses have an interval? Yes

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Where is Phoney Fools and Horses playing?

Phoney Fools and Horses currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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