Oh What a Lovely War
Roll up, Roll up! And take your seat for the ever-popular ‘War Game’! A cornerstone of modern musical theatre and one of the very greatest stage satires, Oh What A Lovely War is an extraordinary theatrical journey bringing to life the folly, farce and tragedy of the First World War. Wildly satirical, visually stunning and deeply moving, it’s the musical that revolutionised modern theatre; an exhilarating, no-holds-barred assault on the military incompetence and inconceivable disregard for human life the First World War has come to represent. Packed with timeless songs, razor-sharp satire and high jinks, Oh What A Lovely War is a hilarious, heart-breaking snapshot of life for those caught in the crossfire of conflict, a unanimous voice from the trenches and a timely warning from the theatre of war itself. Now, more than ever, it holds a mirror up to the world and speaks to us all.
How long does Oh What a Lovely War Last for? 140 Minutes
Does Oh What a Lovely War have any age restrictions? +
Does Oh What a Lovely War have an interval? Yes
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Where is Oh What a Lovely War playing?
Oh What a Lovely War currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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