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Noughts & Crosses


Noughts & Crosses

Noughts & Crosses

Sephy is a Cross and Callum is a Nought. Between Noughts and Crosses there are racial and social divides. A segregated society teeters on a volatile knife edge. As violence breaks out, Sephy and Callum draw closer, but this is a romance that will lead them into terrible danger. This gripping Romeo and Juliet story by acclaimed writer Malorie Blackman and adapted by Sabrina Mahfouz is a captivating drama of love, revolution and what it means to grow up in a divided world.

How long does Noughts & Crosses Last for? 140 Minutes

Does Noughts & Crosses have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Noughts & Crosses have an interval? Yes

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Where is Noughts & Crosses playing?

Noughts & Crosses currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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    • terrible re-writing of an existing play and book. idk why they changed the original script...

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