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Neville's Island


Neville's Island

Neville's Island

From one of Britain’s most beloved writers, Tim Firth, Neville’s Island is the hilarious and often surprising story of four businessmen on the team building exercise from hell. Neville, Angus, Gordon and Roy have unwittingly found themselves shipwrecked with barely a sausage between them. As the night gets cold and the karaoke ferry sails past, the battle for survival begins and these middle managers discover how little they really know about themselves and each other. It’s like The Apprentice, on an island in the Lake District with middle aged blokes who think they’re Bear Grylls.

How long does Neville's Island Last for?

Does Neville's Island have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Neville's Island have an interval? No

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Where is Neville's Island playing?

Neville's Island currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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