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Nativity: The Musical


Nativity: The Musical

Nativity: The Musical

Your favourite festive film is now a major new musical adapted for the stage by Debbie Isitt, the creator of the much-loved films. Feel-good, funny and full of joy, this cracker of a musical was adapted for the stage by Debbie Isitt, the creator of the much-loved films.

How long does Nativity: The Musical Last for?

Does Nativity: The Musical have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Nativity: The Musical have an interval? Yes

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Where is Nativity: The Musical playing?

Nativity: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Sparkle and Shine!! So much fun!

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • My friend thought I was taking her to an actual nativity play :D

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