Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed
Following the success of their podcast series A Journey with Nan Shepherd, award-winning Firebrand’s richly entertaining, funny and moving new play uncovers the extraordinary, unconventional woman behind the glamorous portrait on the Scottish five-pound note. Spiced with poetry, humour and romance, the play reveals the untold story of how Nan Shepherd’s experiences as author, teacher, hillwalker and lover helped shape Scotland’s recent literary history; while also solving the mystery of why her ground-breaking masterpiece, The Living Mountain, lay forgotten in a drawer for over 30 years.
How long does Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed Last for? 75 Minutes
Does Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed have any age restrictions? 12+
Does Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed have an interval? No
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Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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