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Minority Report


Minority Report

Minority Report

In 2050, neuroscientist Dame Julia Anderton is about to launch the next phase of her pioneering Pre-Crime programme, detaining people for crimes before they are committed. But when Julia is accused of pre-murder, she’s in a race against time to save herself from her own system.This thrilling adaptation of Phillip K Dick’s iconic story challenges our beliefs about justice and freewill in a real-time chase through London of the future. This incredible theatrical experience will use innovative technology to create a world at the borders of science fiction and reality.

How long does Minority Report Last for? 90 Minutes

Does Minority Report have any age restrictions? +

Does Minority Report have an interval? No

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Minority Report currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Quite fantastically staged. Had no idea what to expect, but this was seriously impressive. I think the story is more faithful to the novella, but they changed the setting to London and the protagonist is now female, but it worked so so well.

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