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Milkshake! Monkey's Musical


Milkshake! Monkey's Musical

Milkshake! Monkey's Musical

Milkshake! Monkey is back and can’t wait to put on a spectacular NEW Show for you all, joined by some of his favourite Milkshake! friends plus two Milkshake Presenters creating the most dazzling show you have ever seen! Join Paddington, Daisy & Ollie, Milo, Noddy, Pip and Posy, Blue’s Clues & You! and of course Milkshake! Monkey for an unforgettable family time at Milkshake Monkey’s Musical! Learn the amazing songs and dances with your favourite Milkshake! friends and watch as the music, the lights, the costumes and the stage brings Milkshake! to life. With great Milkshake friends, anything is possible. This brand-new show has plenty of laughter, audience interaction and great fun to get everyone up on their feet! It’s a family show not to be missed!

How long does Milkshake! Monkey's Musical Last for? 90 Minutes

Does Milkshake! Monkey's Musical have any age restrictions? 0+

Does Milkshake! Monkey's Musical have an interval? Yes

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Where is Milkshake! Monkey's Musical playing?

Milkshake! Monkey's Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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