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Masquerade is a poignant tale of love and loss amongst Liverpool’s LGBT+ community in the 1980’s. Mike loves Tony (but not like that). He’s his best mate. To be confident, outgoing and open is a big deal in a city like Liverpool in 1986. When they discover The Masquerade Club with trepidation, Mike gets a taste of the life he could be living. He is welcomed in with open arms, soon becoming the resident DJ in a club that is the centre of his universe. But their paths go in separate directions. Outside of the club walls he needs to find the courage to tell his parents that he is not the son they want him to be. Will he find the strength to stand up for himself especially when tragedy strikes?

How long does Masquerade Last for? 140 Minutes

Does Masquerade have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Masquerade have an interval? Yes

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Masquerade currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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