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Manic Street Creature


Manic Street Creature

Manic Street Creature

A fresh and thrilling take on a modern love story from Olivier nominee Maimuna Memon. Love, lust, and late nights collide in a musical roller coaster, taking the audience through the euphoria and distress of two people dealing with their own and each other’s mental health. Ria is working with her band to complete a new album – songs charting the rise and fall of a recent relationship. But the more Ria progresses, the more she’s drawn back to the darkness of her troubled past, until we’re not sure where memory ends and reality begins.

How long does Manic Street Creature Last for? 75 Minutes

Does Manic Street Creature have any age restrictions? +

Does Manic Street Creature have an interval? No

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Manic Street Creature currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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