Making a Murderer: The Musical

Based on the real case and true events of Steven Avery, which inspired by the award-winning Netflix true-crime documentary series and global phenomenon, the show highlights the many flaws, biases and inconsistencies that contributed to both of Mr Avery’s convictions and that exist in the justice system today. Making A Murderer: The Musical follows Avery’s conviction, exoneration, and subsequent re-arrest for murder in his hometown of Manitowoc. Mealey’s captivating comedy-drama takes audiences on an emotional and eye-opening journey into the life and story of a man and his family’s fight for freedom that has enthralled people all over the world and has helped shine a light on the injustices and failings of a broken system.
How long does Making a Murderer: The Musical Last for? 60 Minutes
Does Making a Murderer: The Musical have any age restrictions? 12+
Does Making a Murderer: The Musical have an interval? No
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Where is Making a Murderer: The Musical playing?
Making a Murderer: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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