Mademoiselle F
Mademoiselle F is convinced she’s stolen something, but she can’t remember what. And now she can’t stop thinking about polar bears. Mademoiselle F is an extraordinary and timely play about the links between mental health (OCD) and the environment, exploring how the environment impacts on an individual’s search for recovery. Mademoiselle F was a patient of the famous nineteenth century French psychiatrist, Dr Esquirol. She was the first person to be recorded with OCD and her daily battle to engage with her treatment and recovery is central to the play’s narrative. The play imagines her encounters with a twenty first century Canadian polar bear. Sometimes naturalistic, sometimes comic and sometimes dreamlike, the play imagines the bear as acting variously as the voice of her treatment regime, as a representative of a modern natural world that is being destroyed, and as a friend and confidante for Mme F.
How long does Mademoiselle F Last for? 70 Minutes
Does Mademoiselle F have any age restrictions? 12+
Does Mademoiselle F have an interval? No
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