Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With

A one-woman parody. Leader of the Regain Party. Freedom fighter/icon. Host of the TripadPfizer podcast. Professional feather ruffler. 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile [the left], hoping it will eat him last' - Winston Churchill / Lucinda Spragg. Come and join Lucinda as she promotes her latest book: Jabbie Dodgers. Seeking the truth, fighting for decency, defying the liberal Vax Pushers.
How long does Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With Last for? 60 Minutes
Does Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With have any age restrictions? 16+
Does Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With have an interval? No
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Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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