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Love Them To Death
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Love Them To Death

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Love Them To Death

Inspired by real events, Love Them To Death explores Fabricated and Induced illness (previously known as ‘Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy’), a rare form of behaviour where care givers exaggerate, feign or induce illness in their children. Exploring who is telling the truth, how we come to that decision, and whether the truth even exists, most of the time, Love Them To Death is a dark and twisty tale set in the borderlands between love and violence. FII is much more common than previously thought although is often under-reported; one reason for this is that it is hard to prove and this is the impossible dilemma for the likes of doctors and school workers: the line between fact and fiction is blurred. And there are other lines, too: between ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ parenting; between love and abuse; between illness and health. But where do we draw them? And who gets to decide?

How long does Love Them To Death Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Love Them To Death have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Love Them To Death have an interval? No

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Love Them To Death currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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