London Tide
It begins like this. With the dusk and the storm and the Thames… A storm rages and, in the darkest part of the night, a body is pulled from the swirling Thames. Across the city, two young women confront an uncertain future. In Limehouse, Lizzie Hexam struggles to break free of the river and its dark secrets. On the other side of town, Bella Wilfer mourns a lost marriage. The appearance of the mysterious John Rokesmith has the potential to change their lives for ever. Will they sink or swim?
How long does London Tide Last for?
Does London Tide have any age restrictions? +
Does London Tide have an interval? No
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Where is London Tide playing?
London Tide currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- Went for Jamael Westman to see what he’s like post-Hamilton, and he didn’t disappoint
What they didn't enjoy
- This is more like a play with songs in it rather than a “musical”. The first act could have easily cut 30 minutes without losing anything. Also aside from Westman, the rest of the cast are clearly out of their comfort zone by being asked to sing. It’s quite obvious that they are dramatic actors not used to singing at all. Interesting concept, but could have been better by using a musical narrator within a band similar to what they did with Brokeback Mountain, rather than subjecting the audience to some very questionable vocals.
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