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Kin - A New Musical


Kin - A New Musical

Kin - A New Musical

Noah, a skilled rock climber, is broken & physically scarred after a tragic accident but Ashville, the small southern American town he lives in, has other problems! The KIN, a controversial community attracting people from all over the world, has purchased an old ranch in the little town, causing unthinkable conflict with the townsfolk. Misfit Noah, the mayor’s son, desperate to prove himself to his father, is forced to take matters into his own hands and save the town from disaster. Noah climbs down the side of the cliff, the only entrance (this will look epic live on stage) and secretly joins the community. What Noah doesn’t know, is that Cora, a Kinsperson, is going to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And what neither of them know, is that they are going to change each other’s lives forever.

How long does Kin - A New Musical Last for? 150 Minutes

Does Kin - A New Musical have any age restrictions? +

Does Kin - A New Musical have an interval? Yes

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Where is Kin - A New Musical playing?

Kin - A New Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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