KAREN invites you into the uproarious world of our Protagonist. Seamlessly breaking the fourth wall, she’ll whisk you through a chaos-filled narrative that has been described as “the female Peep Show”. We open on Protagonist’s 30th birthday at the Alton Towers, where her life takes an unexpected turn. Mid-calippo, she’s unceremoniously dumped by her long-term partner, Joe. Little does she know, this is just the beginning. Protagonist soon navigates through office hell as Joe starts dating her arch-nemesis: Karen. It’s a perfect storm of heartbreak, societal pressures, and an identity crisis that threatens to engulf her. The final straw unleashes an explosive office showdown, where our Protagonist finally finds her voice. Through laughter, tears, and a healthy dose of sarcasm, Protagonist learns the invaluable lesson that the path to healing lies in moving through the pain, not around it, and in the empowerment of owning one’s emotions that allows you to find peace.
How long does KAREN Last for? 60 Minutes
Does KAREN have any age restrictions? 16+
Does KAREN have an interval? No
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