JULIE: The Musical
Worshipped Opera Singer… Renowned Swordswoman… Flaming Bisexual. JULIE: The Musical is a brand new, original musical telling the life and adventures of historical LGBTQ+ icon Julie D’Aubigny. Julie D’Aubigny is down in history as one of the most chaotic characters to have ever lived – one of the first public figures to live as an openly bisexual woman, she seduced nuns, duelled multiple men at once, burnt down convents, was bribed by princes, innovated opera – all before she turned 30.
How long does JULIE: The Musical Last for? 14 Minutes
Does JULIE: The Musical have any age restrictions? 120+
Does JULIE: The Musical have an interval? No
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Where is JULIE: The Musical playing?
JULIE: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- It had some funny moments and told a unique story about someone I had not heard of before
What they didn't enjoy
- Saw its initial run and would say it needs a fair bit of polishing.
JULIE: The Musical Discussions
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