I, Daniel Blake
Dan is a carpenter. A Geordie through and through. Just on the mend after a heart attack. Katie has just arrived from London. Finally got a council house for her and the kids. A fresh start. I, Daniel Blake is one of the most important stories of a generation. A glimpse behind the headlines and the stark reality of what happens when the political system is stacked against you. With 14.5 million* people living in poverty in the UK, this is not fiction. It is reality. A touching and vital story of how people come together in the face of adversity and how sometimes creating a family to support you just isn’t enough. The show is adapted for stage by Dave Johns who played Daniel Blake in the award winning 2016 film.
How long does I, Daniel Blake Last for?
Does I, Daniel Blake have any age restrictions? 14+
Does I, Daniel Blake have an interval? No
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Where is I, Daniel Blake playing?
I, Daniel Blake currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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May 2023 - Nov 2023 | ETT Tour 2023 | 14 Locations |