After ten years of married life, Tom and Tim decide to spice up their sex life by booking an evening in a dungeon with a gorgeous male escort. Meanwhile, crime-busting superhero, the Stallion, and his intrepid side-kick, Butterfly, have been lured to the secret lair of their arch-nemesis: the dastardly Villainor. But what connects these two seemingly random events? One thing’s for sure: a bump on the head and a faulty door lock result in a night none of them will ever forget - for all the wrong reasons!
How long does Horse-Play Last for?
Does Horse-Play have any age restrictions? 16+
Does Horse-Play have an interval? Yes
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Where is Horse-Play playing?
Horse-Play currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- Very funny scenario.
What they didn't enjoy
- Slightly shaky performances from some of the cast.
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