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Here You Come Again


Here You Come Again

Here You Come Again

The new Dolly Parton musical. For the first time ever, all of Dolly Parton’s biggest hits can be experienced together in a rollicking and joyous new musical comedy. Packed with the iconic songs ‘Jolene’, ‘9 to 5’, ‘Islands in the Stream’, ‘I Will Always Love You’, ‘Here You Come Again’ and more, this lively and touching new musical tells the story of a diehard fan whose fantasy version of international icon Dolly Parton gets him through trying times. With her wit, humour and charm, Dolly teaches him a whole lot about life, love and how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps…even if your bootstraps don’t have rhinestones! This is one musical that is sure to make you smile.

How long does Here You Come Again Last for?

Does Here You Come Again have any age restrictions? 11+

Does Here You Come Again have an interval? No

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Where is Here You Come Again playing?

Here You Come Again currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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