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Hansel and Gretel


Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel

The boy’s name was Hansel. The girl’s name was Gretel. The dad was a woodcutter. The mum was a bread maker. In the rubble of their war-torn village, the woodcutting dad and the breadmaking mum decide that the only chance they have to give their children a safer life is to lead them – and leave them – in the woods. Left to fend for themselves, Hansel and Gretel’s plans to find their way home get side-tracked, quite literally, by a trail of treats too good to resist and a strange old lady with a plan of her own…

How long does Hansel and Gretel Last for? 95 Minutes

Does Hansel and Gretel have any age restrictions? +

Does Hansel and Gretel have an interval? Yes

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Where is Hansel and Gretel playing?

Hansel and Gretel currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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