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'She’s like no one I’ve ever met... She’s like fire and water all at once.' Warwickshire, 1582. Agnes Hathaway, a natural healer, meets the Latin tutor, William Shakespeare. Drawn together by powerful but hidden impulses, they create a life together and make a family. As William moves to London to discover his place in the world of theatre, Agnes stays at home to raise their three children but she is the constant presence and purpose of his life. When the plague steals 11-year-old Hamnet from his loving parents, they must each confront their loss alone. And yet, out of the greatest suffering, something of extraordinary wonder is born.

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Does Hamnet have an interval? No

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Lovely show with brilliant performances.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • Not sure it should be called Hamnet when it’s more about Hathaway!

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