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Half A Sixpence


Half A Sixpence

Half A Sixpence

Arthur Kipps, an orphan and over-worked draper's assistant at the turn of the last century, unexpectedly inherits a fortune that propels him into high society. His childhood companion, Ann Pornick, watches with dismay as Arthur is made over in a new image by the beautiful and classy Helen Walsingham. Both young women undoubtedly love Arthur - but which of them should he listen to? With the help of his friends, Arthur learns that if you want to have the chance of living the right life, you need to make the right choices.

How long does Half A Sixpence Last for?

Does Half A Sixpence have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Half A Sixpence have an interval? Yes

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Where is Half A Sixpence playing?

Half A Sixpence currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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