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Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical
The band


Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical

The band
Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical

The musical follows a group of five best friends in the 1990’s who are obsessed with their favourite boy band. The girls then reunite more than 20 years later with a plan to see their heartthrobs one last time in what could be the Greatest Days of their lives. GREATEST DAYS features more than 15 of Take That’s record-breaking songs alongside a heart-warming and hilarious story of love, loss and laughter from the award-winning writer Tim Firth. GREATEST DAYS was originally produced as The Band by David Pugh & Daffyd Rogers + Take That.

How long does Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical Last for?

Does Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical have any age restrictions? +

Does Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical have an interval? No

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Where is Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical playing?

Greatest Days - The Official Take That Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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  • the songs, the choreography, the set and how incredible the cast are

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