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Ghosts on a Wire


Ghosts on a Wire

Ghosts on a Wire

Mary Shelley’s prophesies in her book Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus, came to fruition some hundred years after publication on the banks of the Thames at Blackfriars. Electricity, the source of her supernatural themes, became a true force of Power in the world, a force as destructive as it was beneficial. Ghosts on a Wire follows the development of the worlds’ largest coal powered electric plant, The Pioneer as it lit the houses and streets of the affluent North Bank of the river, whilst destroying the homes and working-class communities on the South. In the face of this, one woman, Octavia Hill, fought for the right for the ordinary people of Southwark to have decent homes and clean air. Her story and that of our ghosts, recounts a tale of unworldly events, corruption, greed and resilience in the face of a Leviathan that was able to consume everything it encountered.

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