Fury and Elysium
Fury and Elysium pays homage to six highly influential Weimar Republic icons who put their idiosyncratic stamp on Berlin during a period of radical change, rebellious spirit and boldness between the two world wars. With a particular focus on placing centre stage the fascinating lives of three Jewish women. Fury and Elysium depicts Berlin’s queer culture, celebrating the drag kings and romance to be found below ground in the infamous cabaret clubs. Featuring a live band, Fury and Elysium immerses audiences in Weimar history and culture, both artistic and political.
How long does Fury and Elysium Last for? 110 Minutes
Does Fury and Elysium have any age restrictions? +
Does Fury and Elysium have an interval? Yes
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Where is Fury and Elysium playing?
Fury and Elysium currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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