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Four Felons and a Funeral


Four Felons and a Funeral

Four Felons and a Funeral

Ever thought of stealing someone's ashes? Neither had Millie. Now she's barrelling down the M6 in a Fiat Punto with three accomplices, 45 packets of crisps and a large decorative urn. Four Felons and a Funeral is about four dysfunctional friends on a road trip to scatter their mate's ashes. En route, they go through the five essential stages of grief: screaming, shouting, fighting, f*cking and fleeing from justice. A feel-good show about letting go of people we've lost and learning to lean on the ones we've got.

How long does Four Felons and a Funeral Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Four Felons and a Funeral have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Four Felons and a Funeral have an interval? No

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Where is Four Felons and a Funeral playing?

Four Felons and a Funeral currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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