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Finding Melania
One personAudience interaction


Finding Melania

One personAudience interaction
Finding Melania

A twisted comedy about the fascination and lure of masculine power and the women who submit all. Melania – once an enigmatic beauty, now pretty much forgotten – is discovered years later living deep in the bowels of the White House. Holding on to her husband's belief that they will one day return and Make It All Great Again, she welcomes an Audience with Melania and lives out her memories, dreams and fantasies. A dark clown show exploring the grotesque behind the glamour and what it takes to "stand by your man".

How long does Finding Melania Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Finding Melania have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Finding Melania have an interval? No

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Finding Melania currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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