Fame: the Musical
Based on the 1980 phenomenal pop culture film, Fame The Musical is the international smash hit sensation following the lives of students at New York's High School For The Performing Arts as they navigate their way through the highs and lows, the romances and the heartbreaks and the ultimate elation of life.
How long does Fame: the Musical Last for?
Does Fame: the Musical have any age restrictions? 7+
Does Fame: the Musical have an interval? Yes
This show does not have enough ratings to display stats yet.
Where is Fame: the Musical playing?
Fame: the Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- I like some of the songs, from the original
What they didn't enjoy
- Didnt really like the story - went on for way too long
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