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FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical


FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical

FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical

This all singing, all dancing methsical contains a ridiculous array of musical styles and theatrical tropes to speed through 62 hours of television in under 90 minutes, with the promise to keep the audiences laughing, on this joyous ride through the desert! We promise it won’t be dry and there will be Mexican hats…maybe maracas!

How long does FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical Last for?

Does FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical have any age restrictions? +

Does FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical have an interval? No

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Where is FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical playing?

FAKING BAD - The Unauthorised Parody Methsical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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