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Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens


Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens

Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens

Young photographer Jimmy Tucker faces the biggest and most exciting challenge of his life when a stranger commissions him to find and shoot the seven deadly sins alive and kicking in modern London. But in a break-neck race through the night, a series of extraordinary encounters involving girlfriends, family history and the intoxicating cult of celebrity begin to reveal that there's a whole lot more at stake than just money.

How long does Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens Last for? 155 Minutes

Does Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens have an interval? Yes

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Where is Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens playing?

Exposure the Musical - Life Through a Lens currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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