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 Emojiland: The Musical


Emojiland: The Musical

 Emojiland: The Musical

electric ensemble piece inspired by The Unicode® Standard, about a diverse community of archetypes who take one another at face value: a smiling face dealing with depression; a princess who doesn’t want a prince; a skull dying for deletion; a nerd face too smart for their own good; a face with sunglasses who can’t see past their own reflection; and a police officer and construction worker who just want to work together. When a software update threatens to destroy life as they know it, Emojiland faces the most fundamental questions a society – and a heart – can face: Who are we? And who matters?

How long does Emojiland: The Musical Last for? 90 Minutes

Does Emojiland: The Musical have any age restrictions? 10+

Does Emojiland: The Musical have an interval? No

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Where is Emojiland: The Musical playing?

Emojiland: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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