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CeeCee & Olivia have both joined the hottest multi-level marketing company around, Elixir, and are vying to rise up through the ranks – even though it does look suspiciously like a pyramid scheme… While Olivia is trying to build a brighter future for her and her sister Fran, CeeCee is attempting to right the wrongs of her dark past. And yeah, she’s a bit of a b!tch – what of it? As the stress of hitting their targets begins to take its toll, their stories converge, setting them on a collision course for each other – one which will blow both their worlds apart. Because the two are inextricably bound together. And one of them is about to learn the real cost of chasing her dreams.

How long does Elixir Last for? 115 Minutes

Does Elixir have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Elixir have an interval? No

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