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Dumbledore is So Gay


Dumbledore is So Gay

Dumbledore is So Gay

It ain’t easy being Jack. He got sorted into Hufflepuff using the official online quiz, hates studying French, and is in love with his best friend Ollie. Dodging bullies, keeping secrets and trying to get the guy is too much for him to take. So, he changes his story one spellbinding moment at a time in pursuit of making the world a little more magical. Maybe this time he’ll get into Gryffindor. Disclaimer: Dumbledore Is So Gay is not set in, nor does it feature any characters or plotlines from, the Wizarding World. Nor is it authorised, sanctioned, licenced or endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or anyone associated with the Wizarding World franchise.

How long does Dumbledore is So Gay Last for? 75 Minutes

Does Dumbledore is So Gay have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Dumbledore is So Gay have an interval? No

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Where is Dumbledore is So Gay playing?

Dumbledore is So Gay currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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