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Until you own your story, your story will own you. Dolly is an uncompromising, dynamic story, using spoken word and movement. This high octane drama, with biting comedy, examines how childhood trauma manifests itself into adulthood. We meet WOMAN, who has visible third-degree burns, as she unpacks how she navigates all her relationships with COUNSELLOR. During therapy sessions WOMAN is forced to revisit her childhood and in particular, her relationship with her estranged mother. With her 40th birthday fast approaching, WOMAN’S desire to work out how this has affected her comes into sharp focus as she considers becoming a parent herself.

How long does Dolly Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Dolly have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Dolly have an interval? No

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Where is Dolly playing?

Dolly currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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