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Dirty Dusting


Dirty Dusting

Dirty Dusting

When three cleaners, Olive, Gladys and Elsie, are threatened with redundancy they feel that their lives are coming to an end until a chance wrong number gives them a new business start-up idea – why not run a telephone sex line? They’ve got motive, opportunity and a lifetime of experience – some more than others, mind you. Provided Elsie can teach the other two a few new tricks there’s no reason why they can’t get rich quick providing they can keep their operation a secret from their bosses… and their husbands…and their children…and their grandchildren.

How long does Dirty Dusting Last for? 125 Minutes

Does Dirty Dusting have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Dirty Dusting have an interval? Yes

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Dirty Dusting currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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