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Dirty Dancing


Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing

t’s the summer of 1963, and 17 year-old Frances ‘Baby’ Houseman is about to learn some major lessons in life as well as a thing or two about dancing. On holiday in New York’s Catskill Mountains with her older sister and parents, she shows little interest in the resort activities, and instead discovers her own entertainment when she stumbles across an all-night dance party at the staff quarters. Mesmerised by the raunchy dance moves and the pounding rhythms, Baby can’t wait to be part of the scene, especially when she catches sight of Johnny Castle the resort dance instructor.

How long does Dirty Dancing Last for?

Does Dirty Dancing have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Dirty Dancing have an interval? Yes

Seen by 12 fans







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Where is Dirty Dancing playing?

Dirty Dancing currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Who doesn't like the Movie ? now that was a great show and inclusive with the audience at the end for that famous lift and a good old boogie
  • Some of the dancing
  • Great cast, songs and stage set design
  • Good dancing and songs
  • The dancing, Johnny obviously :) The whole cast!! loved everything!
Seen by 12 fans
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DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • Most of the show
  • Went on for a bit too long
  • I loved it all, there was nothing not to like!

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