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Dinosaur World Live


Dinosaur World Live

Dinosaur World Live

Using stunning puppetry to bring remarkably life-like dinosaurs to the stage, Dinosaur World Live presents a host of impressive pre-historic creatures including every child’s favourite flesh-eating giant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, along with a Giraffatitan, Microraptor, Segnosaurus and Triceratops. The show introduces Miranda, daughter of palaeontologists, who grew up surrounded by dinosaurs on a far-away island off the coast of South America. She has brought her pre-historic pals to our shores and would love you to meet them. Warning: some of these dinosaurs aren’t as docile as they seem!

How long does Dinosaur World Live Last for? 65 Minutes

Does Dinosaur World Live have any age restrictions? 3+

Does Dinosaur World Live have an interval? No

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Dinosaur World Live currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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