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Dinner With Groucho


Dinner With Groucho

Dinner With Groucho

Two men, together, on the edge of heaven. In a strange restaurant, two American giants who revere each other, Groucho Marx and T.S.Eliot, meet for dinner. Both in their own ways great defiant spirits, they create magic and anarchy, revealing secrets and sorrows. The evening is presided over by the Proprietor, who seems to control the workings of the universe. Or does she? In Dinner With Groucho, all is revealed. Or nearly so.

How long does Dinner With Groucho Last for? 70 Minutes

Does Dinner With Groucho have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Dinner With Groucho have an interval? No

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Where is Dinner With Groucho playing?

Dinner With Groucho currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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