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Crooners the Show


Crooners the Show

Crooners the Show

The modern world does not always seem the place for men of style and vigour. Men with a penchant for sentiment, romance and charm. Men who own tap shoes. Crooners follows the story of three very British gentlemen who exhume the characteristics of a crooner: suave, self-assured, stylish, as they defend the role of a crooner in our modern world. By the very same nature, it is not always obvious that these characteristics are adopted quite so well by the quintessentially British. Cue a splendiferous injection of British comedy. Tongue firmly in cheek. And an outrageous injection of Big Band Swing.

How long does Crooners the Show Last for?

Does Crooners the Show have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Crooners the Show have an interval? Yes

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Where is Crooners the Show playing?

Crooners the Show currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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