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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Maggie has fought up from poverty, only to find herself in a passionless, burning marriage. Her husband Brick Pollitt, a former pro footballer, drinks to drown out the hurt he has bottled up inside. When the entire Pollitt family meet for Big Daddy’s 65th birthday, the claws are out. As shattering truths threaten to spiral out of control, the family set out to protect themselves, and each other, from falling apart.

How long does Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Last for?

Does Cat on a Hot Tin Roof have any age restrictions? 15+

Does Cat on a Hot Tin Roof have an interval? No

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Where is Cat on a Hot Tin Roof playing?

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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