Cable Street
It’s October 1936 in the heart of London’s East End. Sammy, Mairead and Ron are carving out their own futures on Cable Street when Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists start to march on East London. Half a million Jews, Irish workers and communists unite to blockade the road they call home. As the people raise their voices and take a united stand against hatred, the lives of the streets’ residents are changed forever. Featuring a contemporary score, Cable Street is an electrifying reimagining of one of London’s most significant days. A celebration of community and a rallying call to action, this timeless story is as powerful today as it ever was.
How long does Cable Street Last for? 120 Minutes
Does Cable Street have any age restrictions? +
Does Cable Street have an interval? No
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Cable Street currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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