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Burke & Hare


Burke & Hare

Burke & Hare

The 1830s - and in Edinburgh’s back streets and alleys, there’s an absolute killing to be made. Scientific research Hares on at great speed; the surgeons are crying out for fresh bodies to dissect and you’d need to be a right Burke not to spot a gap in the market! But it’s only a small step from robbing graves to helping people into them… Three versatile actors, supplied with an array of hats, a variety of disguises and an extraordinary collection of accents play the entire cast of this notorious story – living and (soon to be) dead. Music, murder and mayhem combine in Tom Wentworth’s fast-paced take on the notorious grave-robbing duo. Playing fast and loose with the facts, he creates an evening’s entertainment that’s more hysterical than historical.

How long does Burke & Hare Last for?

Does Burke & Hare have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Burke & Hare have an interval? Yes

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Where is Burke & Hare playing?

Burke & Hare currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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