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Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play


Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play

Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play

Brian and Roger met at a support group for recently divorced men. Roger was attending because he was genuinely grieving the loss of his marriage. Brian was instructed to attend by his solicitor if he wanted to dodge paying alimony. Roger is in need of guidance and support, which Brian willingly supplies. Both are starting again. Both are finding it hard. One of them is nice.

How long does Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play Last for? 120 Minutes

Does Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play have an interval? Yes

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Where is Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play playing?

Brian & Roger - A Highly Offensive Play currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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