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Blossoming (You Undo Me)


Blossoming (You Undo Me)

Blossoming (You Undo Me)

Blossoming (You Undo Me) is a musical about a young Chinese man growing into his queerness. A coming-of-age tale, covering sexual and personal awakening and self discovery, an immigrant’s journey and a chronicle of one family’s changing dynamics. This is a cross-cultural representation of queer characters across seven roles played by one actor, combining traditional Chinese opera with modern performance techniques, which incorporate Beijing opera singing, Master Mei Lanfang’s gestures, puppet performance, and Chinese opera freehand staging, delivering an exceptional musical entertainment with an aesthetic expression of the East

How long does Blossoming (You Undo Me) Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Blossoming (You Undo Me) have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Blossoming (You Undo Me) have an interval? No

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Blossoming (You Undo Me) currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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