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Billionaire Boy
David walliams


Billionaire Boy

David walliams
Billionaire Boy

From the award-winning West End producers of Gangsta Granny comes this amazing production of David Walliams’ Billionaire Boy! Joe Spud is twelve years old and the richest boy in the country! He has his own sports car, two crocodiles as pets and £100,000 a week pocket money! But what Joe doesn’t have is a friend. So he decides to leave his posh school and start at the local comp. But things don’t go as planned for Joe and life becomes a rollercoaster as he tries to find what money can’t buy!

How long does Billionaire Boy Last for? 120 Minutes

Does Billionaire Boy have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Billionaire Boy have an interval? Yes

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Where is Billionaire Boy playing?

Billionaire Boy currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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