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Best of Enemies


Best of Enemies

Best of Enemies

1968 – a year of protest that divided America. As two men fight to become the next President, all eyes are on the battle between two others: the cunningly conservative William F Buckley Jr., and the iconoclastic liberal Gore Vidal. Beliefs are challenged and slurs slung as these political idols feud nightly in a new television format, debating the moral landscape of a shattered nation. Little do they know they're about to open up a new frontier in American politics, and transform television news forever...

How long does Best of Enemies Last for? 145 Minutes

Does Best of Enemies have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Best of Enemies have an interval? Yes

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Where is Best of Enemies playing?

Best of Enemies currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • The intense political debate and clever use of the TV studio control room set into the back of the stage.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • Nothing. Loved it all.

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